
Lake Baikal is No Small Change to Throw Away


Known as the «Galapagos of Russia,» Lake Baikal is located in southern
Siberia near the Russian-Mongolian border. The oldest and deepest lake in the
world, Baikal contains 20% of the world’s unfrozen freshwater reserve. 

Russian Government is treating Lake Baikal like small change. Prime Minister
Putin’s decision to re-start the Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Mill obstructs the
environmentally safe economic development of the town of Baikalsk and the whole
Baikal region.

The governmental decree, which Prime Minister Putin signed on
January 13, permitted the mill to discharge its wastewater into the cleanest
lake on the planet.   This is a violation of both Russian laws and an indicator
of Russia’s unwillingness to deliver on its international obligations to keep
intact Lake Baikal — a priceless heritage site protected by UNESCO.

the petition to UNESCO Director General!
UNESCO must address the Russian
Government with a demand to stop pollution of Lake Baikal.

Pnina Levermore